Just how “cheesy” are we?
- On September 26, 2013
- By Lindsay
- In News, Nutrition Education
According to an article released from NBC NEWS, based on recent studies from the USDA, Americans are now eating an average of 23lbs of cheese per year! That’s almost 1lb per week! Yes, many of us can agree cheese is delicious…but just how much does 23lbs of cheese mean for our waistline? Lets take a look at some of our most popular cheeses. How many pounds of weight gain can all this cheese-eating lead to in a year?
American cheese- (104kcal/oz): 38,272kcal/23lbs…~10.93lbs per year
Blue cheese- (100kcal/oz): 36,800kcal/23lbs…10.51lbs per year
Brie cheese- (100kcal/oz): 36,800kcal/23lbs…10.51lbs per year
Cheddar cheese- (110kcal/oz): 40,480kcal/23lbs…11.56lbs per year
Feta cheese- (75kcal/oz): 27,600kcal/23lbs…7.89lbs per year
Goat cheese- (70kcal/oz):25,760kcal/23lbs…7.36lbs per year
Monterey Jack cheese- (106kcal/oz): 39,008kcal/23lbs…11.15lbs per year
Mozzarella cheese- (85kcal/oz): 31,280kcal/23lbs…8.94lbs per year
Parmesan cheese- (122kcal/oz): 44,896kcal/23lbs…12.83lbs per year
Ricotta (part skim) cheese- (39kcal/oz): 14,352kcals/23lbs…4.10lbs per year
Swiss cheese- (95kcal/oz)- 34,960kcals/23lbs..9.99lbs per year
All this data is not to scare you from eating any cheese. Cheese can be a great source of calcium and protein. But just remember next time you go for the cheese…moderation!